Ocean Of A Midnight Moon: a hike on the seashore

Ocean Of A Midnight Moon: a hike on the seashore

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Simone Andreoli's Ocean Of A Midnight Moon is an exquisite, soothing aquatic fragrance defined by its brevity, where each note is carefully crafted to leave a remarkable and effortlessly impactful scent. It is intriguing to note how aquatic fragrances, despite their unique charm, are often undervalued in the realm of niche perfumes, with few brands daring to release a marine scent carrying a high-end price tag. This trend stems from the fact that marine scents have predominantly been associated with mainstream perfumery, especially those from designer brands.

Tracing the roots of Ocean Of A Midnight Moon takes us back to the 1950s when pharmacists and chemists at Pfizer inadvertently synthesized an aromatic compound that intriguingly smelled of both watermelon and seawater. This compound, named Calone, was initially set aside as it strayed from its intended purpose in tranquilizer development. However, about two decades later, its era of prominence began when perfumer Yves Tanguy utilized Calone to create the world's first perfume for Aramis, named New West For Her.

As the 1980s drew to a close, a generation weary of the decade's industrial and artificial characteristics yearned for something fresh and hopeful in the 1990s. This desire catalyzed the rapid spread and popularity of aquatic fragrances, revolutionizing the industry. Marine scents, known for their uplifting, clean qualities, have remarkably maintained their appeal for over four decades, a rare feat in the ever-evolving world of perfumery. Ocean Of A Midnight Moon is a modern interpretation of this trend, distinct from the Calone-dominated offerings in the mass market.

The fragrance artfully blends notes of saline seawater and sun-baked, bleached driftwood with a rich aromatic, and coniferous mix of mint, juniper berries, fir, and myrtle. This rests on a subtle warmth of oak and leather, creating a comfortable, gentle, and inviting undertone that complements the vivid aquatic notes from the initial spritz to the deep, enduring dry-down.

While this combination of notes is often found in masculine fragrances, Ocean Of A Midnight Moon transcends gender barriers. It possesses a sharp, shimmering quality in its opening notes, reminiscent of a silver-gilded ocean surface under the glow of a full, radiant moon. This unique blend makes it a versatile and timeless choice for anyone seeking a scent that captures the essence of the ocean's mystique.

Ocean of a Midnight Moon

Ocean of a Midnight Moon

$219.00 USD

Ocean of a Midnight Moon by Simone Andreoli is a fragrance for Women & Men.  The white foam of an overwhelming wave carries the oceanic freshness of a nighttime sea illuminated by the moonlight. A refined rich and captivating fragrance that releases the… read more

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